
Did you ever want to print your e-mails in a different layout?
Do you like that the mail account is printed at the top of your email print out?
Do you think that it is acceptable that you cannot choose a different printer if you print your email in the Memo style?

You are using your cooperate style in your normal documents. Why don’t you print your email in your own style, too?

OutlookPrinter is the solution for your Outlook email print problems!
Easy to use! When you want to print out an email you just click on the OutlookPrinter toolbar and choose ‘Print selection with default template’ and your email will be printed.
Of course you can modify the look and feel of your template.

Product Images

Software Specifications

Addin Version: Not available
Product URL: http://www.outlookprinter.com/...
Company URL: http://www.outlookprinter.com/...
Support URL: http://www.outlookprinter.com/suppo...


Cost: $29.95
MultiUser Licenses? No
Trial? Yes

Minimum Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Outlook Version(s): Microsoft Outlook 2000
Microsoft Outlook 2002
Microsoft Outlook 2003
Microsoft Outlook 2007
Hard Drive Space: 0 (MB)
Memory: 0 (MB)
OutlookPrinter is an addin for Microsoft Outlook. Addins are sometimes referred to as Plugins. The Outlook Utilities along with the Leprechaun Works, LLC makes no warranties or guarantees as to the product capabilities or the information describing said product.

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