Worm Detector

Worm Detector is a new handy antivirus tool for Outlook 2000 and XP to fight against internet mail worms and spam. Everybody is aware of worldwide epidemics of such worms as “ILoveYou”, “SirCam”, “Klez” and everybody knows what a significant damage can be caused by such viruses: data loss, network lags, mailboxes crashing etc. Worm Detector is the antivirus defense tool for preliminary detecting and killing of such viruses.

Antivirus defense is based on integration into the MS Outlook 2000/XP and interactive scaning of all incoming e-mails. On finding infection program locks the suspicious e-mail and suggests to delete it to avoid infecting of your computer. Messages’ scaning is produced by the constantly updating virus base and all base updates are absolutely free. In addition Worm Detector has built-in algorithms performing detection of the latest worms not yet added to virus base. And in addition to worms scaning Worm Detector has the powerful possibilities to fight against spam such as spam recognition on standard subjects and creation of special narrow specified anti spam filters.

Due to high integration with MS Outlook 2000 and XP work with Worm Detector is very handy and easy. Worm Detector combines in itself easy usage, friendly user-interface and low cost registration with powerful system of finding and killing worms. Be protected from worms – use Worm Detector!

Product Images

Software Specifications

Addin Version: 3.2
Product URL: http://www.kl-soft.com/wd.php...
Company URL: http://www.kl-soft.com...
Support URL: Not available


Cost: $0.00
MultiUser Licenses? No
Trial? No

Minimum Requirements

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Outlook Version(s): Microsoft Outlook 2000
Microsoft Outlook 2002
Hard Drive Space: 0 (MB)
Memory: 0 (MB)
Worm Detector is an addin for Microsoft Outlook. Addins are sometimes referred to as Plugins. The Outlook Utilities along with the Leprechaun Works, LLC makes no warranties or guarantees as to the product capabilities or the information describing said product.

One Response to “Worm Detector”

  1. Eliza May 31st, 2012

    Definitely Red Wigglers. They eat more and are perfect for vesnrcompoitimg for several reasons. They hate light and will not try to escape, but rather will burrow down into your compost. They have the perfect digestive system and they reproduce quickly if there is plenty of food. I do compost with worms using the Worm Factory 360. It makes separating the worms from the castings mostly automatic. After one tray is full, you add food to the next level and some of the worms will crawl up to it. Others will stay below and finish eating the first tray until there is nothing left to eat. At that time, you move that tray to the top level and leave it open so that the light will send the worms back down to the current feeding tray. After a day (leave the light on at night), most of them will have left the tray full of worm castings. There will some who didn’t leave and you can pull them out if you find them.If you don’t use a multi-level system like the Worm Factory, you can try to feed worms in one area of the bin and then move to another area and hopefully most of the worms will move out of the first area when it has no food left, then you can harvest the castings in one area of the bin at a time. I haven’t done it this way, but suspect it’s not quite as easy.Overall, I would say that worm composting is fairly easy and actually quite amazing. I think you’ll enjoy it no matter what type of bin you use.